2021.07-2023.07 吉林省环境厅项目(吉环科字第2021-19),莫莫格和向海保护区湖库水环境调查和影响研究,主要参加人.
2021.03-2023.03 中共长春市人民政府政策研究室, 博鱼体育长春市城市湿地生态服务功能评价与功能提升研究,主要参加人.
陈祎,白雪原,阳涛,邹丽芳,刘志升,王忠强*,何春光. A Preliminary Study on A Novel Water Treatment Pond Design Using Dredged Sediment, Shrub, Willow and Recycling Hand Pumps for the Restoration of Water Pollution, WATER,2019,11050972-1-11.
姜海波,闻洋,邹丽芳,王忠强,何春光*,邹畅林. The effects of a wetland restoration project on the Siberian crane(Grus leucogeranus) population and stopover habitat in Momoge National Nature Reserve, China,Ecological engineering,2016, 96:170-177.
Zhang, Daxing, Duan, Rui; Jiang, Yong, Zhang, Xiaoyuan, Qiu, Yong, Huang, Xia. One-year operation of 1000-L modularized microbial fuel cell for municipal wastewater treatment , Water Research, 2018, 141: 1-8.